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- Desktop and laptop users
- Phone and small tablet users
- Introduction to the BSI
- Summary of what's available on this site
- Finding Information on this Website
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Tips for Desktop and Laptop Users
Our site looks and works best if you set your browser window to be fairly wide. If you do not see the word "News" in the brown bar near the top of this page, you should make your browser window wider.
Click on the lower right corner of your browser window and drag it to the right to make the window wider.
Tips for Phone and Small Tablet Users
When using a smartphone or small tablet:
Tap the Menu button at upper left (blue with 3 white lines) to see choices for the main site pages. When a choice has a plus sign (+) at the right, tap that plus sign to expose more page options below it.
On our web pages, after moving down part of the page, a blue button with an up-triangle will appear at the lower right of the page. Tap that button to jump back to the top of the page and the site Menu button.
Be sure to view the choices/widgets at the bottom of this page. Those choices appear on all pages and link to important areas of the site. On wider screens, they appear as a sidebar column, but on phones this "sidebar" section shows up under the main page content.
Introduction to the BSI
We've provided an Explanation of BSI Honours & Terms to help you understand references on some of our pages.
Our About the Trust page describes our organization, and we have a separate Brief History of the BSI that describes the beginnings of the BSI.
Summary of What's Available on this Site
The best way to explore our site is to look in the brown bar at the top of each page for the various major page options listed in the menu bar (or on phones, after clicking the menu button). Please note that this site only has a sample of what is held in the BSI Archive.
But here are some highlights from the site:
Finding Information on this Website
Besides the website summary noted above, we have multiple ways to locate information on this site. See the link below for suggestions.Finding Information on this Website