Mike Berdan, for serving as past editor of the Trust Newsletter
John Bergquist, for proofreading previous issues of the Trust Newsletter
Mary Ann Bradley, for preparing correspondence and announcements, tracking donations, and organizing historical items pertaining to The Woman
Joe Coppola, for recording the BSI Dinners and assisting in digitizing historical recordings
Peter Crupe, for assisting with data aggregation
Denny Dobry, for coordinating the sales of Sherlockian titles to raise funds for the Trust
Erika Dowell, for advising on the BSI Archive at the Lilly and contributing to the Trust newsletter
Jenn Eaker, for editing and enhancing our audio recordings
Tom Horrocks, for coordinating the auction of Sherlockian items to raise funds for the Trust
Terry and Linda Hunt, for pre-cataloging some BSI Trust material
Kate Karlson, for proofreading previous issues of the Trust Newsletter
Julie McKuras, for serving as past editor of the Trust Newsletter and working on many of the Keys to BSI Dinner photos
Glen Miranker, for developing the Trust's core graphic design and original website
Scott Monty (I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere), for consulting and advice on the new Trust website design
Chris Music, for posting and managing this website's content
Michael Pollak and Laurie Manifold, for staffing the BSI Trust Book Sales table at the Vendors Room
Michael Pollak, for serving as past Editor of the Trust newsletter
Paul Singleton, for collecting copies of BSI Dinner presentations and toasts
Andy Solberg, for his numerous contributions, including scanning BSI Dinner photos and editing many of the website posts
Randall Stock (The Best of Sherlock Holmes), for designing, developing, and administering the website
Ben Vizoskie, for taking photographs of award recipients and speakers at the BSI Annual Dinner and BSI other events
Sue Vizoskie, for working on Keys to BSI Dinner photos
Burt Wolder, for assisting with the audio recordings
Tamar Zeffren, for researching and writing many of the website posts