In 2012, when the Board determined that it would like to make these interviews available to be heard over the Internet, we began asking interviewees to sign a release allowing us to do so. All of the interviews are being submitted to Lilly for access at the library, but only the ones for which we have signed approvals will be accessible online.
All the persons interviewed are listed below, but only some of the recordings are currently available online. We are adding more recordings over time, so check back to see what is available or use the sidebar sign-up options to get notified when new items are posted.
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Interviews recently added online (sorted by when recording was posted online)
Interviewees (alphabetically)
- All interviews are listed
- If a name is not a link, that recording is not yet available online
- List last updated 12/27/24
Accardo, Pasquale
Alberstat, Mark
Alvarez, Marino
Anderson, Karen
Andriacco, Dan
Arai, Kiyoshi
Armstrong, Curtis
Baesch, John
Barnes, Bill
Beaman, Bruce R.
Beeson, William
Belanger, Terry
Berdan, Marshall (Mike)
Bergem, Phillip
Bergquist, John
Berry, John Stevens
Betzner, Ray and Steven Rothman
Betzner, Ray (Addendum)
Blanksteen, Charles
Blau, Peter E.
Blau, Peter E. (Addendum)
Blau, Peter E. (Lecture)
Bliss, John
Bond, Scott and Sherry Rose Bond
Bond, Sherry Rose and Scott Bond
Bond, Sherry Rose (Dinner stories & NYC winter weather)
Boote, Henry
Boström, Mattias
Boucher, Anthony (Radio program)
Bready, James H.
Broderick, Robert M.
Brody, Howard
Brown, Cindy
Brydges, Tom
Burke, Jan
Calamai, Peter
Cameron, Dana
Caplan, Richard M.
Carlisle, Shannon
Christenson, Ed
Clark, Dean
Clark, Debbie
Cochran, William
Coghill, Bob
Cohen, Saul
Colby, Walt
Constable, John
Cooke, Catherine
Cooke, Catherine (Addendum)
Coppola, Elaine
Coppola, Joseph
Coules, Bert
Coupe, Carla Kaessinger
Courouge, Fabienne
Cox, J. Randolph
Crawford, Bryce
Crupe, Peter
Cunningham, Philip
Curtis, Donald
Cynkin, Tom
Dandrew, Thomas
Darak, Greg
Davies, David Stuart
de Freitas, Wilfrid
de Groat, Raymond
de la Cova, Carlina
De Waal, Ron
Decker, Jeff
deGozzaldi, Devereux
Deutsch, Irwin F. (per his wife Ingrid Deutsch)
Devitt, Allan and Susan Diamond
Diamond, Susan and Allan Devitt
Dickensheet, Shirley
Dobry, Denny
Dorey, Helen F.
Dorn, William
Doyle, Pj
Doyle, Steven
Durein, John
Earle, Ralph
Eckrich, Joseph
Elliott, Doug
Ellis, Robert
Faherty, Terence
Faye, Lyndsay
Ferry, Frank
Fetherston, Sonia
Fleischhack, Maria
Folsom, Henry T.
Francis, Tom
Friedman, Theodore
Fromkin, Michelle and Susan Rice
Fromkin, Michelle (group discussion)
Fusco, Andrew G.
Ganguly, Jayantika
Geisser, Marcus
Genova, John
Goldfarb, Clifford
Green, Richard Lancelyn (Caxton Club lecture)
Greer, Timothy S.
Gregory, Al
Griffin, Daniel
Groves, Derham
Guerra, Stefano
Guy, Patricia
Hahn, Robert W.
Hall, Ralph
Hammer, David
Hart, Jeffory
Hatcher, Jeffrey
Hawkins, James R.
Herbert, Paul (plus notes)
Herzog, Evelyn
Higashiyama, Akane
Higurashi, Masamichi
Hill, Stanfield D.
Hirayama, Yuichi
Hobbs, Donald J.
Hoffman, Everett
Holder, Nancy
Holmes on the Horizon (DVD: 1987 Sherlockian cruise)
Homer, Michael
Horrocks, Peter
Horrocks, Thomas A.
Humphrey, David C.
Hunt, Harrison (Terry)
Hyder, William
Izban, Donald
Jensen, Jens Byskov
Johnson, Roger
Johnson, Timothy J.
Jones, Mark
Kamil, Irv
Karlson, Kate
Katz, Robert S.
Katz, Robert S. (Addendum)
Katz, Robert S. (group discussion)
Katz, Robert S. (History of the Dr. Watson Fund)
Kean, Michael
Keefauver, Brad
Kegley, Jerry
Kennedy, Bruce
King, Laurie R.
Kittle, C. Frederick
Kitts, Francine and Richard Kitts
Kitts, Francine (group discussion)
Kitts, Richard and Francine Kitts
Kitts, Richard (group discussion)
Klinefelter, Walter
Klinger, Leslie S.
Klinger, Leslie S. (Addendum)
Knud-Hansen, John P.
Koelle, John & Barbara
Lagergaard, Mia Stampe
Latella, Brigitte
Lauridsen, Palle Schantz
Leeb, Gene
Levine, Arthur
Lewis, Ann Margaret
Lewis, Candace
Lewis, Lou
Liebow, Ely
Liebow, Ely (Radio interview on Joe Bell)
Lindfors, Bernth
Linsenmeyer, John
Linsenmeyer, John (re: The Woman 1975, Princess Nina Mdivani, wife of Denis Conan Doyle)
Lopez, Michele
MacFarlane, Peggy
MacGregor, Marilyn
Malec, Andrew
Mancini, Danna A.
Mangler, Robert
Margolin, Jerry
Marriott, Guy
Martin, Paul
Martorelli, Nick
Mason, Bill
Mason, Stephen Rex
Matetsky, Ira Brad
McCafferty, Elaine
McCafferty, Jonathan
McCammon, Terry
McClure, Michael W.
McCormack, George
McCullam, William
McDonough, Donald A. (Written)
McIntyre, Peter
McKay, Marilynne
McKuras, Julie
McNamara, Rosane
McPherson, Mark
McSwiggin, Mike
Meer, Michael
Merritt, Russell
Meyer, Charles
Meyer, Nicholas
Miller, Richard
Miranker, Glen
Montag, Tony
Montag, Tony (Addendum)
Monty, W. Scott, II
Moran, Joe
Morrill, David F.
Morris, Jacquelynn
Morrow, Daniel
Moss, Daniel
Moss, Robert A. (per his son Daniel Moss)
Music, Christopher
Nadel, William
Nathan, Hartley R.
Niver, Harold
Niver, Theodora
Nordberg, Nils
Novorsky, Donald
Nuhn, Dayna
O’Brien, James
O’Leary, James C.
Olken, Richard
Otten, Eric
Parker, Bruce
Paton, Jennie C.
Peck, Andrew
Pforr, John
Pilot, Roy
Pollak, Michael
Polvere, Daniel M
Posnansky, Dan
Prager, Jan
Prepolec, Charles
Rabe, W.T.
Randall, Warren
Ranild, Svend
Raymond, Trevor
Redmond, Christopher
Redmond, Donald A. (per his son Chris Redmond)
Reneker, Maxine H.
Renkwitz, Arthur A.
Rettig, Alan
Revels, Tracy J.
Rice, Susan and Michelle Fromkin
Rice, Susan (group discussion)
Richards, Dana
Richards, David L.
Robinson, Bob
Roden, Barbara
Roden, Chris
Roisman Cooper, Barbara
Rosenblatt, Albert M.
Rosenblatt, Betsy
Rosenblatt, Julia Carlson
Rothman, Steven and Ray Betzner
Rothman, Steven (Editing the BSJ)
Rozan, SJ
Rusch, Barbara
Rutter, Richard
Salvatori, Gianluca
Saunders, James B.
Schpak, Maggie
Schrandt, John A.
Schulz, Theodore
Shackleford, Lee
Sharfman, Robert
Shaw, Al
Shaw, John Bennett (per his son Patrick Shaw)
Shaw, John Bennett and Thomas L. Stix, Jr. (Newsday TV Interview/DVD)
Shea, Glenn
Sherman, Philip
Sherwood, John C.
Sherwood-Fabre, Liese
Silverstein, Albert
Singleton, Paul
Skene-Melvin, David
Skornickel, George R.
Smedegaard, Margaret (also on Paul Smedegaard)
Smith, Edgar W. (per his granddaughter Marthe Smith)
Solberg, Andrew L.
Solito, Enrico
Sonnenschmidt, Fritz
Southworth, Bruce E.
Stajic, Marina
Starrett, Vincent (Lecture by Robert Mangler)
Stashower, Daniel
Steinbrunner, Chris (per his friend Charles Collins)
Stek, Robert J.
Stetak, Ruthann
Stinson, Regina
Stix, Dorothy
Stix, Stephen L.
Stix, Thomas L., Jr.
Stix, Thomas L., Jr. and John Bennett Shaw (Newsday TV Interview/DVD)
Sturm, George
Suszynski, James P.
Sveum, Richard
Swanson, Martin
Terras, Donald
Thomalen, Robert
Thomas, Daniel
Tiemann, Jonathan
Ueda, Hirotaka
Upton, Jean
Utechin, Nick
Utecht, Thomas
Vande Water, Bill
Vatza, Edward, J.
Veiga-Hayzen, Maria
Wachs, Jerry
Walker, Lynn
Walsh, William A.
Warshauer, Richard
Webb, James R.
Wein, Richard
Weiner, Janice
Weiss, David
Whelan, Mike (Partial)
White, Kathryn
White, Ronald S.
Wilmer, Douglas
Wilson, Karen
Wolder, Burt
Wolff, Ira
Wood, Benton (per his wife Joan Wood)
Wrigglesworth, Doug
Yates, Donald
Zahorsky-Reeves, Joanne
Zordan, Christopher A.
Alberstat, Mark
Alvarez, Marino
Anderson, Karen
Andriacco, Dan
Arai, Kiyoshi
Armstrong, Curtis
Baesch, John
Barnes, Bill
Beaman, Bruce R.
Beeson, William
Belanger, Terry
Berdan, Marshall (Mike)
Bergem, Phillip
Bergquist, John
Berry, John Stevens
Betzner, Ray and Steven Rothman
Betzner, Ray (Addendum)
Blanksteen, Charles
Blau, Peter E.
Blau, Peter E. (Addendum)
Blau, Peter E. (Lecture)
Bliss, John
Bond, Scott and Sherry Rose Bond
Bond, Sherry Rose and Scott Bond
Bond, Sherry Rose (Dinner stories & NYC winter weather)
Boote, Henry
Boström, Mattias
Boucher, Anthony (Radio program)
Bready, James H.
Broderick, Robert M.
Brody, Howard
Brown, Cindy
Brydges, Tom
Burke, Jan
Calamai, Peter
Cameron, Dana
Caplan, Richard M.
Carlisle, Shannon
Christenson, Ed
Clark, Dean
Clark, Debbie
Cochran, William
Coghill, Bob
Cohen, Saul
Colby, Walt
Constable, John
Cooke, Catherine
Cooke, Catherine (Addendum)
Coppola, Elaine
Coppola, Joseph
Coules, Bert
Coupe, Carla Kaessinger
Courouge, Fabienne
Cox, J. Randolph
Crawford, Bryce
Crupe, Peter
Cunningham, Philip
Curtis, Donald
Cynkin, Tom
Dandrew, Thomas
Darak, Greg
Davies, David Stuart
de Freitas, Wilfrid
de Groat, Raymond
de la Cova, Carlina
De Waal, Ron
Decker, Jeff
deGozzaldi, Devereux
Deutsch, Irwin F. (per his wife Ingrid Deutsch)
Devitt, Allan and Susan Diamond
Diamond, Susan and Allan Devitt
Dickensheet, Shirley
Dobry, Denny
Dorey, Helen F.
Dorn, William
Doyle, Pj
Doyle, Steven
Durein, John
Earle, Ralph
Eckrich, Joseph
Elliott, Doug
Ellis, Robert
Faherty, Terence
Faye, Lyndsay
Ferry, Frank
Fetherston, Sonia
Fleischhack, Maria
Folsom, Henry T.
Francis, Tom
Friedman, Theodore
Fromkin, Michelle and Susan Rice
Fromkin, Michelle (group discussion)
Fusco, Andrew G.
Ganguly, Jayantika
Geisser, Marcus
Genova, John
Goldfarb, Clifford
Green, Richard Lancelyn (Caxton Club lecture)
Greer, Timothy S.
Gregory, Al
Griffin, Daniel
Groves, Derham
Guerra, Stefano
Guy, Patricia
Hahn, Robert W.
Hall, Ralph
Hammer, David
Hart, Jeffory
Hatcher, Jeffrey
Hawkins, James R.
Herbert, Paul (plus notes)
Herzog, Evelyn
Higashiyama, Akane
Higurashi, Masamichi
Hill, Stanfield D.
Hirayama, Yuichi
Hobbs, Donald J.
Hoffman, Everett
Holder, Nancy
Holmes on the Horizon (DVD: 1987 Sherlockian cruise)
Homer, Michael
Horrocks, Peter
Horrocks, Thomas A.
Humphrey, David C.
Hunt, Harrison (Terry)
Hyder, William
Izban, Donald
Jensen, Jens Byskov
Johnson, Roger
Johnson, Timothy J.
Jones, Mark
Kamil, Irv
Karlson, Kate
Katz, Robert S.
Katz, Robert S. (Addendum)
Katz, Robert S. (group discussion)
Katz, Robert S. (History of the Dr. Watson Fund)
Kean, Michael
Keefauver, Brad
Kegley, Jerry
Kennedy, Bruce
King, Laurie R.
Kittle, C. Frederick
Kitts, Francine and Richard Kitts
Kitts, Francine (group discussion)
Kitts, Richard and Francine Kitts
Kitts, Richard (group discussion)
Klinefelter, Walter
Klinger, Leslie S.
Klinger, Leslie S. (Addendum)
Knud-Hansen, John P.
Koelle, John & Barbara
Lagergaard, Mia Stampe
Latella, Brigitte
Lauridsen, Palle Schantz
Leeb, Gene
Levine, Arthur
Lewis, Ann Margaret
Lewis, Candace
Lewis, Lou
Liebow, Ely
Liebow, Ely (Radio interview on Joe Bell)
Lindfors, Bernth
Linsenmeyer, John
Linsenmeyer, John (re: The Woman 1975, Princess Nina Mdivani, wife of Denis Conan Doyle)
Lopez, Michele
MacFarlane, Peggy
MacGregor, Marilyn
Malec, Andrew
Mancini, Danna A.
Mangler, Robert
Margolin, Jerry
Marriott, Guy
Martin, Paul
Martorelli, Nick
Mason, Bill
Mason, Stephen Rex
Matetsky, Ira Brad
McCafferty, Elaine
McCafferty, Jonathan
McCammon, Terry
McClure, Michael W.
McCormack, George
McCullam, William
McDonough, Donald A. (Written)
McIntyre, Peter
McKay, Marilynne
McKuras, Julie
McNamara, Rosane
McPherson, Mark
McSwiggin, Mike
Meer, Michael
Merritt, Russell
Meyer, Charles
Meyer, Nicholas
Miller, Richard
Miranker, Glen
Montag, Tony
Montag, Tony (Addendum)
Monty, W. Scott, II
Moran, Joe
Morrill, David F.
Morris, Jacquelynn
Morrow, Daniel
Moss, Daniel
Moss, Robert A. (per his son Daniel Moss)
Music, Christopher
Nadel, William
Nathan, Hartley R.
Niver, Harold
Niver, Theodora
Nordberg, Nils
Novorsky, Donald
Nuhn, Dayna
O’Brien, James
O’Leary, James C.
Olken, Richard
Otten, Eric
Parker, Bruce
Paton, Jennie C.
Peck, Andrew
Pforr, John
Pilot, Roy
Pollak, Michael
Polvere, Daniel M
Posnansky, Dan
Prager, Jan
Prepolec, Charles
Rabe, W.T.
Randall, Warren
Ranild, Svend
Raymond, Trevor
Redmond, Christopher
Redmond, Donald A. (per his son Chris Redmond)
Reneker, Maxine H.
Renkwitz, Arthur A.
Rettig, Alan
Revels, Tracy J.
Rice, Susan and Michelle Fromkin
Rice, Susan (group discussion)
Richards, Dana
Richards, David L.
Robinson, Bob
Roden, Barbara
Roden, Chris
Roisman Cooper, Barbara
Rosenblatt, Albert M.
Rosenblatt, Betsy
Rosenblatt, Julia Carlson
Rothman, Steven and Ray Betzner
Rothman, Steven (Editing the BSJ)
Rozan, SJ
Rusch, Barbara
Rutter, Richard
Salvatori, Gianluca
Saunders, James B.
Schpak, Maggie
Schrandt, John A.
Schulz, Theodore
Shackleford, Lee
Sharfman, Robert
Shaw, Al
Shaw, John Bennett (per his son Patrick Shaw)
Shaw, John Bennett and Thomas L. Stix, Jr. (Newsday TV Interview/DVD)
Shea, Glenn
Sherman, Philip
Sherwood, John C.
Sherwood-Fabre, Liese
Silverstein, Albert
Singleton, Paul
Skene-Melvin, David
Skornickel, George R.
Smedegaard, Margaret (also on Paul Smedegaard)
Smith, Edgar W. (per his granddaughter Marthe Smith)
Solberg, Andrew L.
Solito, Enrico
Sonnenschmidt, Fritz
Southworth, Bruce E.
Stajic, Marina
Starrett, Vincent (Lecture by Robert Mangler)
Stashower, Daniel
Steinbrunner, Chris (per his friend Charles Collins)
Stek, Robert J.
Stetak, Ruthann
Stinson, Regina
Stix, Dorothy
Stix, Stephen L.
Stix, Thomas L., Jr.
Stix, Thomas L., Jr. and John Bennett Shaw (Newsday TV Interview/DVD)
Sturm, George
Suszynski, James P.
Sveum, Richard
Swanson, Martin
Terras, Donald
Thomalen, Robert
Thomas, Daniel
Tiemann, Jonathan
Ueda, Hirotaka
Upton, Jean
Utechin, Nick
Utecht, Thomas
Vande Water, Bill
Vatza, Edward, J.
Veiga-Hayzen, Maria
Wachs, Jerry
Walker, Lynn
Walsh, William A.
Warshauer, Richard
Webb, James R.
Wein, Richard
Weiner, Janice
Weiss, David
Whelan, Mike (Partial)
White, Kathryn
White, Ronald S.
Wilmer, Douglas
Wilson, Karen
Wolder, Burt
Wolff, Ira
Wood, Benton (per his wife Joan Wood)
Wrigglesworth, Doug
Yates, Donald
Zahorsky-Reeves, Joanne
Zordan, Christopher A.